Is learning python easy? Let me try to answer this a little elaborately and how I learnt as well.
When I started my career, I wanted to automate all the work I was doing manually, this was out of my own interest and I wanted to be efficient to find time to play table tennis!
I was searching a language to do text and excel processing, there were many options, python appeared to be one of the easier options for my experiments since I did not require any permissions or license request from my manager. I also did not know any other language any better, so I had to anyway learn a new thing to achieve the result.
I ended up being the lone engineer many times in my project who know python because of the diverse skills demanded, it was related to avionics and system knowledge. Nobody showed interest to automate using python for same reason, but using other proprietary languages.
From my experience of learning and doing I taught and mentored in my workplace whenever there was an opportunity. I eventually ended up doing training as a profession in later part of my career.
In an effort to share my knowledge to a wider audience I authored a book on python programming language – 1 Page python programming Book. I have written in such a manner that any beginner can learn python as their first programming language with code examples and annotations.
Please find below some of the reviews for this eBook.

This book makes learning python easy through a step-by-step process, it covers from basics to intermediate concepts, using which you will be able to do system automation, GUI creation, Database operations etc. The book is made available on Amazon kindle for the minimum price.
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Through my blog I will also write about software design and patterns in programming, machine learning and artificial intelligence related topics. Have a wonderful day, Cheers!